Tea, Why its a good plant to grow

Tea is a drink that most of the world is familiar with whether it is served warm on a cold day or cold and sweet like they do here in the south people almost everywhere enjoy it even as far back as 2737 BC. So that all being said in my option it's a very good plant to grow. The Tea Camellia or Camellia sinensis is a hardy evergreen shrub this is a plant that we get Green, Black and Oolong tea from. Not only do you get numerous types of tea from your plant it provides numerous health benefits, a commodity in the form of caffeine and in the right situation could be used as a good bartering tool 

The Tea Camellia will grow the best in US growing zones 7,8 and 9 but due to is hardy nature it can be grown in cooler zones as long as you are able to keep it sheltered from freezing temperatures So for those of you living in the north you will want something like a greenhouse to grow your tea in. The plant needs good draining soil and exposure to lots of sun. Moisture is a big part of what allows your Tea Camellias to grow so if you don't live in a humid climate you will want to be sure you water them frequently. You can expect it to grow to 3 to 4' tall and produce white flowers however on rare occasions it can produce a pink flower. 

So Why would you want to grow your own tea? To start it is a natural source of caffeine that you can produce without the need for a supply chain. Not only that there are studies showing tea can help prevent heart diseases and even help to prevent cancer provide basic anti-inflammatory properties and balance your gut health. Having a plant that you can grow yourself that can provide all these benefits is something that can help you now. Growing your own tea guarantees you know that your tea was produced ethically, sustainably and without the use of pesticides that could cause issues for you or your family down the line. 

Tea is great for you but why would I want it as part of my prepping? When I talk of prepping it doesn't always mean preparing for something as outlandish as zombie apocalypse, You could be prepping for just a supply chain issue between 2019 to now we have seen multiple issues that prevent goods from making it to all portions of the United States. In my area, due to its location, we don't always get our shelves fully stocked in the local grocery stores in a timely manner and even if they are fully stocked there may not be a good variety. If that disruption where to last for a relatively long amount of time then having something we can be reliant on ourselves for will allow my family to continue our lives in overall comfort. Having tea plants gives us some basic health benefits and a good source of caffeine, it may not be as good as a cup of fresh coffee in the morning but I would rather have some caffeine to start my day rather than none. Another good use that is sometimes overlooked when people talk about prepping is tradability. In an event that something like coffee or tea is hard to get being able to produce your own allows you to work with your community to trade for things, you don't have. Let's face it no matter how much we prepare there will always be something we do not have or just wish we had. By having a source of caffeine something that so many people have grown to rely on in todays world you have a commodity that you can trade to get things like salt sugar or even gas. 

The Tea Cammelli is a great plant to have in your garden because it can help you now or in the future, its a good supplement to healthy living and could be used as a great bartering tool.